Bruno Ferreira and Biotrend S.A. attended last week the VII International Seminar on Biopolymers & Sustainable Composites, in Valencia, Spain. Their presentation was included in the Biorefineries section, with the title "Extraction and Purification of PHA: Converting Diverse Waste-Derived Materials into Useful Products".
The SMART-Plant workshop on recovering valuable resources from wastewater will be organized on 29/1/20 at Berlin and will be hosted by KWB. Several interesting projects, technologies and strategies of resource recovery will be presented. Don't miss it!
Biocomposite produced within H2020 SMART-Plant awarded among the best innovative biocomposites. Congratulations to cirtec and ecodek and the whole SMART-Plant consortium SMART-Plant
Francesco Fatone presented SMART-Plant on December 12th, during the session "Lessons learned and future prospects from a research and innovation view-point" at the EUWIC 2019 Exhibition in Zaragoza
he EASME post-conference workshop which took place within the framework of the 3rd Resource Recovery Conference in Venice has produced the attached report. The feedback was provided by the participants of the workshop who are engaged in ongoing EU funded projects. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the EC or of EASME.
New article in Chemistry World explores the value in sewage after a visit to wastewater treatment plants and SMART-Plant's contribution
SMART-Plant was invited to present the potential of water reuse and recycling for addressing the needs of water, circular economy and energy related policies at the forthcoming EU Water Innovation Conference 2019,
On 13th of September 2019 and within the framework of the 3rd IWA Conference on Resource Recovery in Venice, a site visit took place to the site facilities of Carbonera where the participants were guided to the two demonstration sites of SMART-Plant, SCENA
This workshop was co-organised by the Horizon2020 projects of SMART-Plant, HYDROUSA, ProjectO and NextGen and by EU EASME. It took place just after the end of the 3rd IWA Conference on Resource Recovery in Venice and had more than 80 participants. In this event, ten Horizon2020 projects were invited to pitch and then a specialist panel asked questions and made comments. In the second breakout session, 5 teams were developed which discussed 5 different themes related to water.
The 3rd IWA Conference on Resource Recovery took place on 8-12 September 2019, in San Servolo, Venice. The Conference was organized within the framework of the SMART-Plant project. More than 400 participants attended the Conference from Universities, research organization, water and waste utilities, engineering companies and others.
The seventh SMART-Plant consortium meeting was organized in Athens by the National Technical University of Athens, EYDAP SA and AKTOR SA. During this 3-day meeting a stakeholder event was also organized in which different water utilities from Greece participated. Furthermore, during the last day a visit was arranged to Psyttalia wastewater treatment plant. The participants had the opportunity to have a guided tour at the Psyttalia plant as well as to the Thermal Hydrolysis – SCENA demonstration system of SMART-Plant.
The sixth SMART-Plant consortium meeting was organized by our partners the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Vic, Socamex and the Water utility of Manresa. The 3-day meeting also included a very successful local stakeholder event together with a site visit to the Manresa wastewater treatment plant. There the stakeholders had the opportunity to see two of the SMART-Plant technologies
On November 20th, 2018, EYDAP presented SMART-Plant in the Water Conference 2018 that was organized by “Plant” at Amphitheater Maroussi Plaza, Athens (Greece).
SMART-Plant was presented at the 12th edition of the annual benchmarking workshop entitled "IB2017 Benchmarking workshop: Turning data to solutions" (organized by European Benchmarking Co-operation), held at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre in Athens, Greece, on 14–16 November 2018.
EYDAP was honored by a gold award for its contribution to environmental protection and sustainability at the 2018 Environmental Awards held on Tuesday, July 10th, 2018 in Athens (Greece).
SMART-Plant was presented at the “Study Tour: Visit to State-of-the-Art Sludge Management Systems and Peer to Peer Exchange for Stakeholders from the South Mediterranean Countries” under the SWIM-H2020 SM Project.
This document certifies that the project “SMART PLANT (HORIZON 2020 PROGRAMME)” has been selected as the winner in the category of Research Project, at the IWATER Prizes 2018 taking place in Barcelona, on 14th November 2018.
SOCAMEX will present SMART-plant at CONAMA fair/congress, the 14th National Congress on Environment to be held in Madrid (Spain) on 26-29 November 2018.
More info on the fair/congress here
Smart-plant coordinator will chair the panel session on Water Management & success stories at the "Business Forum on Green Technologies: Water, Renewable Energy, Waste, Sustainable Mobility - Italy and Egypt partnership in green technologies for a sustainable growth and better life".
SMART-plant disseminated at the UK construction week at the NEC, Birmingham, UK, prospects for the innovative biocomposite materials developed within SMART-Plant
The SMART-Plant Coordinator presented “Challenges and eco-innovative solutions towards circular economy and industrial symbiosis in urban environment” at the Sino-Italy Forum on Circular Economy and GreenDevelopment" that was held in Chengdu, China, on 20-24th September 2018.
SMART-Plant partners participated to the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition 2018 in Tokyo, 16-21 September 2018.
Andrea Guerrini, Professor of the University of Verona and board member of ARERA - The Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment, calls for a water tariff method
SMART-Plant is joining the “European Water Tech Week Leeuwarden 2018” and will participate to a symposium on September 26th dedicated to “Recovered cellulose: from used toilet paper to resource for the biobased economy”.
Professor Isam Sabbah, founder of the startup AgRobics Lt.d. which is a partner of SMART-Plant, will deliver a keynote speech to the 15th IWA Conference Small water and Wastewater Systems (Haifa, 14-18 October 2018)
Conference website:
Several partners of SMART-Plant (UBRUN, Cranfield, SEvern Trent Water, Cirtec) participated in last weekend's European Waste Water Management Conference in Manchester, UK presenting their latest research and innovation under the SMART-Plant umbrella.
SMART-Plant and the WRRF approach were presented in Milan (Italy) at the workshop "Fanghi di depurazione - da rifiuto a risorsa" held in Milan on 6th July.
On July 5th SMART-Plant was at the progress meeting of the first EU Innovation Deal to discuss circular economy barriers.
The 4th Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment was held in London, Ontario, Canada (June 25 to 27, 2018).
Project Coordinator and partners were there to present and disseminate SMART-Plant.
SMART-Plant was presented at the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, held in Naxos Island, Greece, on 13–16 June 2018
SMART-Plant was presented in Brussels at the EC, ICT4water and WssTP events. More specifically:
Fanghi di depurazione, la tecnologia a servizio di una smart city sinergica e sostenibile
Seminar supported by SMART-Plant on management of sewage sludge disposal and recovery "Complessa Gestione dei fanghi di depurazione, tra recupero e smaltimento", University of Catania, Catania, 4th June 2018.
SMART-Plant and INCOVER Joint Stakeholders Workshop: "Eco-innovative solutions for circular economy in Water resource recovery facilities" Lisbon, 6th June 2018
The Horizon2020 SMART-Plant EU Innovation Action (ESPP member) along with the ESPP, HERA and ECOMONDO will co-organise the 3rd European Nutrient Event for the Mediterranean area, at 8-9 November 2018, in Rimini, Italy.
SMART-Plant will join the “European Water Tech Week Leeuwarden 2018” and will participate to a symposium on September 26th dedicated to “Recovered cellulose: from used toilet paper to resource for the biobased economy”.
Pioneer_STP - "The Potential of Innovative Technologies to Improve Sustainability of Sewage Treatment Plants" - addresses the challenges related to wastewater treatment (WWT) from a holistic perspective.
The inauguration event of the Thermal Hydrolysis - SCENA process took place at the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Psyttalia in Greece.
SMART-Plant @ IFAT 2018 SMART-Plant invited to present its approach and first results at the upcoming IFAT trade fair in Munich on May 16th-17th:
SMART-Plant Coordinator to present "Horizon2020 Water Eco-Innovation within ECOMONDO: from circular economy to digital solutions and nature-based closed loops" at WATER Sofia 2018 - 10th International Conference BULAQUA INVESTMENT CHALLENGES FOR THE WSS SECTOR – INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS AND FINANCIAL STRATEGIES.
08 February - Treviso, Italy
On February 8th, 2018 the Province of Treviso hosted the SMART-Plant stakeholders' workshop and inauguration event of the two SMARTechs under validation in the WRRF managed by Alto Trevigiano Servizi in Carbonera (Treviso, Italy)
03 February - Source: LA STAMPA TUTTOGREEN
Un progetto europeo da 10 milioni di euro che a convertire gli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue urbane in “fabbriche” di nuova materia prima subito riutilizzabile
On Thursday 8 February 2018, at 9.00 am at the Auditorium of the Province of Treviso (Italy).
23 November - Karmiel, Israel
The inauguration event of SMARTech2a which consists of the anaerobic treatment of municipal wastewater using polymer-based matrix took place with more than 30 participants.
Seminar on materials and resources recycling from wastewater and resources recycling from waste water treatment center - 3rd edition 30 November, Milano IT
Opening Event of SMARTech3 will take place the same day as the “UK Wastewater Network Conference" 15 November, Cranfield UK
Nitrogen Workshop organized in Israel with the Participation of SMART-Plant
22-23 November 2017, Israel

SMART-Plant scales-up in real environment eco-innovative and energy-efficient solutions to renovate existing wastewater treatment plants and close the circular value chain by applying low-carbon techniques to recover materials that are otherwise lost.
Seven plus two (7+2) pilot systems were optimized for more than two years in real environment in five municipal water treatment plants, including also two post-processing facilities. The systems were automatized with the aim of optimizing wastewater treatment, resource recovery, energy-efficiency and reduction of greenhouse emissions. A comprehensive SMART portfolio comprising biopolymers, cellulose, fertilizers and intermediates were recovered and processed up to the final commercializable end-products.
Dynamic modeling and superstructure framework for decision support was developed and validated to identify the optimum SMART-Plant system integration options for recovered resources and technologies.
The integration of resource recovery assets to system wide asset management programs were evaluated in each site following the resource recovery paradigm for the wastewater treatment plant of the future, enabled through SMART-Plant solutions. The project proved the feasibility of circular management of urban wastewater and environmental sustainability of the systems, through Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing approaches as well as the global benefit of the scaled-up water solutions.
Global market deployment was achieved as right fit solution for water utilities and relevant industrial stakeholders, considering the strategic implications of the resource recovery paradigm in case of both public and private water management. New public-private partnership models were also explored connecting the water sector to the chemical industry and its downstream segments such as the construction and agricultural sector, thus generating new opportunities for funding and potential public-private competition.