Inauguration of the SMARTech2a technology at the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Karmiel
Israel 23 November 2017
Find more information here.
7 November - Rimini, Italy
On November 7th, 2017, SMART-Plant was back to ECOMONDO, the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo taking place in Rimini from November 7 to 10, with over 100.000 visitors, 9000 international buyers and 1200 exhibitors.
20 October - Florence, Italy
SMART-Plant will be presented at the seminar by Legambiente "Water Treatment in Italy - turning critical points to opportunities" (Florence, October 20th, 2017) within the session dedicated to innovative solutions for waste water treatment.
30 September, 2017 - Porto, Portugal
SMART-Plant hosting a Cover Station in PORTO EIP Water Innovation WEEK, 26-29 September 2017, Porto, Portugal
11-13 September 2017 - London, UK
SMART-Plant presented at the International Symposium for next generation infrastructure
SMART-Plant will be presented at the EIP Water Innovation Conference
Porto, Portugal 29 September 2017
You can have an overview of the upcoming ConverStations here.
11-13 September 2017 - Livorno, Italy
SMART-Plant is key το H2020 innovation action to address water economics, statistics and asset management in Livorno.
11-13 July 2017 - Coventry, UK
The third SMART-Plant management meeting was organized by Severn Trent and Cranfield University.
16 - 22 June - Rome, Italy
The SMART-Plant was presented in the 25th International Conference on Composites/Nano-Engineering (ICCE-25), in Rome, Italy.
29 June 2017 - Geestmerambacht, Netherlands
The official inauguration of SMARTech1 took place on the 29th of June 2017. On both regional and national television, the news paid attention to the world-scoop in the production of marketable cellulose from sewage.
22 June 2017 - Bellaterra, Spain
A pilot treatment plant developed by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Aigües de Manresa S.A. Empresa Municipal generates added value products while simultaneously treating wastewater.
Samuela Guida, PhD candidate at Cranfield University is explaining how this process works.
7 April 2017
25 January 2017
SMART-Plant has participated at the kick-off meeting of the RES-URBIS project in Rome. RES-URBIS aims at delivering circular economy from municipal organic waste, while SMART-Plant is focusing on municipal wastewater. The twinnig between SMART-Plant and RES-URBIS will allow to deliver circular economy in the SMART URBES
19 January 2017
The Coordinator of SMART-Plant, Francesco Fatone, together with Ana Soares (Cranfield University) and Antonio Chaparro (Wellness Smart Cities) participated at the event and presented the forthcoming cluster and joint activities with ENERWATER ( and POWERSTEP ( ENERWATER methodology will be applied in the SMARTechs to measure the energy consumptions of technologies that recover secondary raw material.
11 January 2017
The Coordinator of SMART-Plant has represented the Consortium in the 1st meeting of the Steering Committee held at the DG RTD of the European Commission in Brussels.
Rimini, Ecomondo Fair Italy
9/11 November 2016
8-11 November 2016
14-17 September 2016
The SMART-Plant project was presented at 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems and 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-oriented Sanitation by NTUA and UNIVR. Athens, Greece
10 - 18 September 2016
Booth in 81st Thessaloniki International Fair, Exhibition & Convention Center of Thessaloniki, Greece
16-18 August 2016
The SMART-Plant project was presented at 27th Fenasan -Feira Nacional de Saneamento e Meio Ambiente by UNIVR, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
23 – 25 May 2016
Title presentation: Municipal wastewater as a Feedstock for Valuable Resources, Dr.Fatone & Dr. La Corte, Oman Waste and Environmental Services (OWES).
11 May 2016

SMART-Plant scales-up in real environment eco-innovative and energy-efficient solutions to renovate existing wastewater treatment plants and close the circular value chain by applying low-carbon techniques to recover materials that are otherwise lost.
Seven plus two (7+2) pilot systems were optimized for more than two years in real environment in five municipal water treatment plants, including also two post-processing facilities. The systems were automatized with the aim of optimizing wastewater treatment, resource recovery, energy-efficiency and reduction of greenhouse emissions. A comprehensive SMART portfolio comprising biopolymers, cellulose, fertilizers and intermediates were recovered and processed up to the final commercializable end-products.
Dynamic modeling and superstructure framework for decision support was developed and validated to identify the optimum SMART-Plant system integration options for recovered resources and technologies.
The integration of resource recovery assets to system wide asset management programs were evaluated in each site following the resource recovery paradigm for the wastewater treatment plant of the future, enabled through SMART-Plant solutions. The project proved the feasibility of circular management of urban wastewater and environmental sustainability of the systems, through Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing approaches as well as the global benefit of the scaled-up water solutions.
Global market deployment was achieved as right fit solution for water utilities and relevant industrial stakeholders, considering the strategic implications of the resource recovery paradigm in case of both public and private water management. New public-private partnership models were also explored connecting the water sector to the chemical industry and its downstream segments such as the construction and agricultural sector, thus generating new opportunities for funding and potential public-private competition.