SOCAMEX is a water engineering company that belongs to the Urbaser Group, a dependent of ACS, which is their brand that specializes in water. SOCAMEX works both with public and private clients, offering their services in the field of engineering and water treatment, performing design, construction, maintenance and operation of treatment plants and water treatment, water treatment facilities, water treatment technical assistance to different Companies, Municipalities and Communities.
SOCAMEX operates services associated with all aspects of the “Water Cycle”:
- Treatment of drinking water and treatment of urban and/or industrial wastewater
- Comprehensive water management.
- Investment plans.
- Drainage networks.
- Networks for drawing off, conveying and distributing drinking water.
- Desalination and water regeneration plants.
- Commercial management of water service users.
- Management of sludge from water treatment plants.
- Operating and maintenance of treatment plants.
- Analytical water control.
- Water regeneration.
- Developing R&D Projects.
SOCAMEX has experience on design, building, start-up and operation and maintenance of leachate treatment plants, and has recently carried out the building and start-up of a 325 m3/d leachate treatment plant in Portugal.
SOCAMEX will build up and assemble the leachate treatment plant in A Coruña, based on its previous knowledge and “know-how”.