Cranfield University is post-graduate only university and world-leading in its contribution to global innovation. Cranfield emphasis on the aerospace, automotive, health, environment, management, manufacturing, security and defence sectors, having changed the way society thinks, works and learns. In the field of Water Science and Engineering, Cranfield Water Sciences Institute (CWSI) is recognized internationally for its research, education, training and consultancy and attract outstanding students, academics, sponsors and partners worldwide.
CWSI works in all aspects of water - whether it is helping to ensure safe, clean supplies for domestic consumption, assessing agricultural needs for food production, protecting and enhancing natural habitats or improving process engineering for manufacturing and industry.
One of the strongest activity areas in CWSI encompasses research, teaching and consulting on wastewater and drinking water treatment technologies. CWSI has strong links will all the water utilities in the UK, which is further evidenced by the long-term strategic partnerships with Yorkshire Water (since 2005) and Severn Trent (since 2008). These partnerships allow the exchange of resources, the development of long- term R&D projects and most of all enable CWSI to have deep understand the current pressures faced by the water industry, as well as future developments.
The Research Group is compost of 20 academic staff, 12 post doctoral researchers, 5 laboratory technicians and 1 administrative, approximately 70 PhD students, 5-10 students of foreign universities that carry out projects or stays of 3 to 6 months. The main research lines are Catchment management; Governance and asset management; Instrumentation and control; Maintaining the flow; Membrane processes; Sewage works of the future; Water and sanitation in low income countries; Water for food in a changing world.
Furthermore CU hosts the national network in drinking water and another on wastewater treatment processes, a Collaborative Centre of Excellence in Understanding and Managing Natural and Environmental Risks, and coordinates the STREAM Engineering Doctorate Centre ( to deliver a new generation of research leaders to the water sector.